Either that, or save the file, copy it to a second slot. The most baffling sleep talker. Chrono Trigger. Cynthia is one of Lucina 's allies who came with her to Ylisse from the future. The parent for the most powerful Cynthia is almost definitely Chrom, with Gaius also being a great option. Literature. Games Fire Emblem. Aversa is 8 years older than Chrom. Eek. Video Game: Fire Emblem: Awakening. Sumia is childhood friend of Cordelia, with the two desiring to join the Ylissean Pegasus Knights. The third of my short stories about a Alternative universe for Fire Emblem Awakening. Official Artwork Cynthia's official artwork from Fire Emblem Awakening. Last week you all cast your votes and like for a true delinquent, blonde was voted the most popular color for Brady. ; A Day in the Limelight: The third and fourth Awakening CD dramas focus on the second generation. The "best" parent for Cynthia is probably Frederick, though. It's a common tag. My thoughts that she's might come from the future and possibly Time Traveling, some magic that made them grown up fast, or I. Like I said, I personally don't find her to be as bad of a unit as Meg, but she could definitely perform. Trailing in second were both black and brown. Cynthia (Cipher) Cartas del TCG de Fire Emblem Cipher que tuvo el personaje. — Cynthia, at night, if Robin is her father. This site was created to provide accurate and reliable information about the Fire Emblem series. Wow. Real Pegasi didn't drink cream but Cynthia supposed the only. yakob94. This is a ranking page for the hero Cynthia - Hero Chaser from the game Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH). ". Oh. Action Girl: All the female characters. . 2 KB. Cynthia is a character from Fire Emblem Awakening. Next Work → Stats: Published: 2021-12-25 Words: 1,749 Chapters: 1/1 Comments: 1. Cynthia is a playable character in Fire Emblem Awakening and the daughter of Sumia from the future. Fire Emblem: Awakening Biography . Sumia has GK, which means Cynthia has GK, and thus, DG+ by default. To the rescue! Cynthia swoops in and catches bad guys off-guard with her personal weapon, bestowed upon her in update 6. She originates from the Fire Emblem: Hasha no Tsurugi manga. You also have to look at it this way: If you have a MaMU and you're going to go with. I’d like to know which class you guys like best for Cynthia. "And the Pegasus fly in your dreams, lapping from rivers of the sweetest cream. NUCLEUS PORTLAND. This page contains all possible base stats and growth rates for Cynthia as a playable unit in Awakening, as well as all possible base stats for her as an NPC in The Future Past 1 . Cynthia (Fire Emblem) - Works | Archive of Our Own 1 - 20 of 545 Works in Cynthia (Fire Emblem) Works Bookmarks RSS Feed ← Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9. Here were my best units, fave maps, and thoughts on each game. Posee un fuerte sentido de la justicia y, cuando entra en combate, siempre recita un discurso grandilocuente. Read on to learn the best IVs (Individual Values), best builds (Inherit Skill), weapon refinement, stats at Lv 40, and more for Cynthia. For Fire Emblem: Awakening on the 3DS, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Skillset for Henry!Cynthia". Games: Fire Emblem Heroes, Fire Emblem: Three Houses, BS Fire Emblem: Archanea Saga. His father died first and soon Miriel went missing during a battle. Otherwise she will be an only child. Disappear into the underbrush, be forgotten by time. The Fire Emblem series is known for its great gameplay, permanent character death, and challenging difficulty—but which of its games were the best? By Ben Baker May 13, 2023. Fire Emblem is a fantasy tactical role-playing video game franchise developed by Intelligent Systems and published by Nintendo. Cynthia: Well then, let me just lay them out, and you can decide what sounds best. Today, we have our little hero in training, Cynthia. Follow/Fav This Isn't Romantic At All! A Robin and Cynthia Story. GIF. The first option is to ignite a huge plume of purple smoke and come racing out of it! Gaius:. For Fire Emblem: Awakening on the 3DS, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Final class for Cynthia". Fire Emblem: Awakening. Cynthia (Fire Emblem) Cynthia is Sumia 's future daughter and Link 's younger sister. Since having him as a father makes her stats pretty balanced, it might also be interesting to make her a Gryphon Knight. Fire Emblem Engage Popularity Poll [r/fireemblem's Favorite!] - Inspired by Nintendo Dream pollSumia is a playable character from Fire Emblem Awakening, and a member of Chrom's Shepherds. Followers 0. Bad Cynthia, but even that is good enough for a B-----*Vaike!Cynthia: *New Classes Available: Mercenary, Hero, Bow Knight, Thief, Trickster, Assassin. Join Chrom, brother to Ylisse’s empress and commander of its forces, in a fantasy world teetering on the brink of war. This world, this time was not his. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative WorksLancefaire is a Skill that debuted in Fire Emblem Awakening. Cynthia is an unscrewable support unit. . The final battle's coming, and Henry realizes Cynthia's not the only one who longs for lots of. Do you like Cynthia? Yes 75. Help me out!" "No matter how fearsome the foe, Cynthia—the One-Woman Onslaught—will never shrink from the challenge!" "I like it here. Search Works. Cynthia: Hero Chaser. Cynthia is Sumia's daughter from the future. . cynthia---fire-emblem-awakening. She has a strong sense of justice and loves to play the role of hero, to oft-times hilarious effects. If Chrom marries Sumia then Cynthia will be the sister of Lucina, if Sumia marries Robin then she will be Morgan's. Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism. 72. . If Gerome could, he’d leave now. Since Freddy is her dad, you would have to do the former. So, Gaius who does not give DG+ or Anathema is automatically the worst. The 9th Paralogue of Fire Emblem: Awakening is full of confusion from Cynthia. 22. This poll is now closed. r/fireemblem. 10 Classic Games That Should Be Remade With HD-2D Graphics. Cynthia (Fire Emblem) Sumia (Fire Emblem) Lon'qu; Gerome (Fire Emblem) Summary. In Awakening, due to being possessed by Falcon Knights, Lancefaire is a female-only skill, barring inheritance. Artist:. Cynthia (Japanese: シンシア Cynthia) is a playable character in Fire Emblem Awakening. Licensing Terms. 27 28 Next →. Fire Emblem: Awakening. @hyungwonsbuns. Tags. Lissa ~ Sage. 8 6. Ignoring the escapist angle, which only came up with Sumia's supports with MU, they're both pegasus knights whose introductory scene has them tripping over something and are obsessed with Chrom. For Fire Emblem: Awakening on the 3DS, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "So what's wrong with Gaius! Cynthia?" - Page 3. . Nah/Nowi. Boards. 11. Explore cynthiafireemblem Popular this century Treat yourself! Core Membership is 50% off through July 20 Upgrade Now GIF F Literature FEVT Finale (2/3) - Breaking Point The. The divine hero Cynthia stands victorious! The wicked Nah is vanquished! HUZZAH!Fire Emblem Awakening. A veritable force of nature when it comes to enthusiasm. 41 - 60 of 539 Works in Cynthia (Fire Emblem) Navigation and Actions. Heroes play for keeps!" (train) "A new cape! Something that flutters in the wind and whispers the cause of justice. SazukeEX 10 years ago #9. What game I’m from r/popular and I want to get into fire emblem. 23 // sims 4 CC // K-Pop and video game enthusiast Currently stanning: Monsta X Ateez Oneus EXO BTS Passively stanning many more ♡ index ask Twitter Main blog. Domain. A Fire Emblem fan site since 1st February 2005. Starting Class: Pegasus Knight. Cynthia (シンシア, Shinshia) is a playable character in Fire Emblem: Awakening and the daughter of Sumia from the future. Surely nothing could go wrong. Cynthia (Fire Emblem) is a character from Fire Emblem: Kakusei. She is fighting for a group of bandits who she. Incarnations View all 2 versions of Cynthia on BTVA. The Ideal Class for This Unit Day 18: Cynthia and Severa. It is unknown if she truly died as her body was never found. Being a hero is harder than I thought. Cynthia (Fire Emblem) Blue-Leader97. Lucina (Fire Emblem) Noire (Fire Emblem) Cynthia (Fire Emblem) Crossover; runs on irony; like the entire thing is just drenched in irony; Summary. Very, VERY dumb. Right? Language: English Words: 2,675. 0 10. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative WorksTags. Renewal. Gaius is thoroughly wasted on Cynthia. 3DS FC: 4596 9948 4995 (Fighting Safari with Machoke, Throh, and Riolu) Shiny Value: 695 (PM me to hatch your shiny- I won't ask for anything in return!)An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative WorksSumia doesn't really matter since Cynthia has access to all her stuff, but Counter is probably the most valuable skill of Henry's to pass on. Pavise. Aether along all those defensive skills has made Cynthia one of my top tier characters. Nice drawing of pega-pony princess. Libra!Owain x Gregor!Severa: idfk. She had always been there for as long as she can remember. Cynthia is blessed by Sumia's natural skillset, Virion effectively only gives her Deliverer and Breakers, and she can work as an Support Sniper if needed. Devil_Killer_JC 10 years ago #2. Laurent is a playable child character from Fire Emblem Awakening and is Miriel's son from the future. Cynthia appears in Fire Emblem Awakening for the 3DS. It's across the ocean, however, so you can't just walk there as soon as you recruit Lucina. Roughly ten years after Awakening, Ylisse hosts a masquerade ball to celebrate. inherit one skill from each parent, including any male-exclusive skills (if any) from her father. A second Fire Emblem game may be making its debut later this year. Brady/Cynthia (Fire Emblem) Brady (Fire Emblem) Cynthia (Fire Emblem) Fluff without Plot; Ricken!Brady; Chrom!Cynthia; Rare pair hell is a terrible place; Summary. Boards. Owain has the bigger nerd side with tons of husbando appeal on top of it and a very attractive face. Cynthia (Fire Emblem) (Cynthia) [ Character Version Link] [ What Links Here] Name. Due to the incredible support of the community, we've raised and added 6147Fallen Princess Cynthia (Fire Emblem Awakening). Share More sharing options. Severa: Sniper. She is the daughter of Sumia and can only be obtained if Sumia reaches support rank S with another party member. That way, it's always in your generic Support Log. Either way, pretty much any of the good skills she can get would be good on her. Each father she can have makes her good in one way or another, but never on the ungodly broken tier like Severa, Norie and Inigo. Work Text: Cynthia one of the daughters of Chrom and second in line to the throne was taken in by the Grimleal after the defeat of the shepherds never knowing her birth parents and raised in the ways of their conquerors. Trivia Cynthia (Japanese: シンシア Cynthia) is a playable character in Fire Emblem Awakening. Battlemaiden Cynthia ups her game! — When gaining 3-4 stats from a level up. Works. LB, Galeforce, Tomefaire, and two of your choice of Luna, DG+, Anathema, Vengeance, and All+2. Cynthia A very potent pairing and by far, Cynthia's most popular one. Search within Cynthia (Fire Emblem) Quality: All sizes · Large and better · Only very large Sort: Recent · Popular · Random (Last week · Last 3 months · All time) 18. These 4 characters have confirmed ages, so you shouldn't get this wrong if any. Fire Emblem support death threats or grievous bodily harm megathread. Cynthia: Well then, let me just lay them out, and you can decide what sounds best. Sans-MaMU!Cynthia, there isn't a "best" Cynthia. However, like the other children, Miriel's ring. She has no other way to support outside of Galeforce. Anyways, Cynthia isn't very smart. It's nice to be called a Hero. Sully ~ Paladin. FRANCHISE RELATED. You should be fine if you just want to promote Cynthia with a Master Seal at level 20 since she is a child unit and will almost always be good, but if you want a stronger better Cynthia you should reclass her. Which is pointless on a support. Minecraft Skin. No Archive Warnings Apply; Lazward | Laslow/Marx | Xander; Leon | Leo/Odin/Zero | Niles; Camilla/Luna | Selena; Lucina/My Unit | Kamui | Corrin; Serge | Cherche. Giving Sumia to Chrom is a waste of Chrom, and the same could be said for Sumia x Gaius.